Since signing artist Margaret Juul nearly three years ago, we have watched her brilliant collection of abstract waterscapes make a splash on the wall décor market. Incredibly prolific in practice, Juul typically works on two paintings at a time, completing 3-4 paintings per month – all developed with a keen eye on home décor and color trends while staying true to the wild and somewhat tumultuous traits of her ocean muse. Juul’s portfolio of over 100 prints are available in very large sizes and are breathtaking as oversize canvas pieces. Her images are equally beloved by interior design and hospitality clients and residential collectors. The vibrancy of color and shimmering fluidity inherent in her paintings has an all-encompassing, memorable effect on the viewer, making each piece easily identifiable as the artist’s own. Not only is Juul a seasoned artist, she is highly adept at the art of business (not something that comes easily to most artists) and has an engaging social media presence and a ever-expanding list of products featuring her work including stationary, wall tapestries, tabletop items, textiles, clocks, blankets, accessories and fashion. As her art business and name continues to grow, we are excited to be working with such a powerhouse of art, design, and marketing. Her paintings are not only beautiful, but they carry an important message of mindfulness with regards to the world’s most precious resource: water. We recently spoke with Margaret to learn more about her background and inspiration behind her work. See the Margaret Juul Print Collection:
Artist Interview:
MG: What medium do you work with?
MJ: Primarily Impasto Acrylic, ink, oil pastel accents, and sometimes with a thin oil wash under-painting.

MG: What inspires you?
MJ: Everything inspires me! After many years I decided to focus on one theme to keep it simple: Bridging Visual Art and Education, my goal is to have work created to promote an understanding of the challenges we face regarding a changing climate. Although all aspects are important, I am focusing on Fresh Water and Living Oceans.
MG: What artists inspire you?
MJ: Oh boy! Artists that inspire me the most? Contemporary faves are Chuck Close, and Audrey Flack. 19th Century painters such as Pissarro and Klimt totally get my creative juices going. Additionally, I love by the motion of prominent 20th century abstract Tachisme artists such as Jean-Paul Riopelle, Wols, Jean Dubuffet, and Pierre Soulages.
MG: What are your hobbies (besides art)?
MJ: Antiquing, traveling, reading, anything 'design' related, and exploring in general.
MG: Describe your workspace:
MJ: Organized! I know, rare for a painter. I cannot work in a sloppy space.
MG: How many years have you been an artist?
After college, professionally 26 years as a working artist, and interior designer.
MG: Do you work in silence or with music?
MJ: Always music.
MG: If music, what do you listen to?
MJ: I love a wide range of music. If I need more energy, I will just let my playlist of over a few thousand songs play randomly. Bowie, Radiohead, Massive Attack, Gorillaz and Thievery Corporation come up a lot!
MG: If you were not an artist what would you do?
MJ: I'd love to be a set designer for major motion pictures!
MG: What jobs have you done besides being an artist?
MJ: I put myself through college as a women's wear retail manager. My first 'real' job out of college was working in the accounting department of a environmental remediation company who specialized in cleaning up toxic waste all over the United States. That brought me forward on my journey of environmental activism. After a few years of that, my work has been design and art related.
MG: What is your dream project?
MJ: Large scale international hotel or hospitality art projects not unlike my panels in The Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego.
Above image: Hyatt Manchester San Diego, CA Lobby - Custom panels by Margaret Juul
MG: Is there a painting or project that you are especially proud of?
MJ: I'd still note that my favorite project, (and most recent) are my custom panels in The Hyatt Manchester. Not only do I have three 20' high panels in the lobby, but art in the dining rooms as well. That opened an opportunity for 'Sally's on the Waterfront' up the street from the Hyatt to request my art throughout its restaurant.
Above image: Sally's on the Waterfront Restaurant, San Diego, CA - Art by Margaret Juul
MG: What is your favorite color?
MJ: Chartreuse green. Love!