The Tate Modern has just announced that it will host a landmark exhibition of Pablo Picasso’s works from 1932, a year when he produced some of his greatest works inspired by his affair with Marie-Therese Walter. “Picasso 1932” will include works such as Le Reve (The Dream), Nude, Green Leaves and Bust along with Jeune Fille Devant un Miroir (Girl Before a Mirror) from MoMA, NY.
This transitional year in the artist’s career brought about his first retrospective and cemented his “superstar” status as the world’s most influential living artist. This will be the first solo exhibition of Picasso’s work at the Tate Modern. The exhibition will begin at the Musee National-Picasso, Paris October 10, 2017 – February 11, 2018 and travel to The Tate Modern, London March 8, 2018 – September 9, 2018. See our Picasso Poster Collection.