This Iconic American Painting's History

This Iconic American Painting's History

Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851) is one of the most famous works of art ever made. We have sold this piece since pre-2010 with a version we received from partnership of Americana products. In our endless effort to reproduce art to the highest standards, we have procured and now offer a new version of this piece, available here.

As we worked to secure this new version, our research led us to this interesting article published by Isaac Kaplan of Artsy, titled This Iconic American History Painting Gets the Facts Wrong. Isaac compares Leutze's piece with a more contemporary and historically accurate version by Mort Kunstler. The article provides an interesting perspective on historical paintings summarized by this quote referring to the title. "Well, 'wrong' is perhaps a poor choice of words. Paintings aren’t facts, they’re works of art, capable of poetic embellishment." Read the full article here.

It is Presidents Day here in the USA. Today we take time to reflect on our great Presidents spanning from the birth of our nation to more recent history including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barak Obama. Shop our Presidential Prints.

Browse our selection of Iconic American Prints here.